liger_iris_pipeline Documentation

The Liger-IRIS Data Reduction System is based on the suite of packages from Space Telescope Science Institute used to process data from JWST and NGRST.

With stpipe and stdatamodels we can configure each step of a pipeline through one or more text based .INI style files, then we provide one input FITS file or a set of multiple inputs defined in JSON (named Associations). Custom analysis steps and pipelines for IRIS are defined as classes in the current repository liger_iris_pipeline

Then execute the pipeline from the command line using the tmtrun executable or using directly the Python library.

The pipeline also dynamically interfaces to the CRDS the Calibration References Data System, to retrieve the best calibration datasets given the metadata in the headers of the input FITS files. The CRDS client can also load data from a local cache, so for now we do not have a actual CRDS server and we only rely on a local cache.

The CRDS is not under our control, the Thirty Meter Telescope will deliver a database system to replace the CRDS and we can adapt our code to that in the future.

Getting Started

Example run


Calibration and CRDS




liger_iris_pipeline Package




AssignWcsStep([name, parent, config_file, ...])

AssignWcsStep: Create a gWCS object and store it in Model.meta.

BackgroundStep([name, parent, config_file, ...])

BackgroundStep: Subtract background exposures from target exposures.

DQInitStep([name, parent, config_file, ...])

Initialize the Data Quality extension from the mask reference file.

DarkCurrentStep([name, parent, config_file, ...])

DarkCurrentStep: Performs dark current correction by subtracting dark current reference data from the input science data model.

FlatFieldStep([name, parent, config_file, ...])

Flat-field a science image using a flatfield reference image.

MergeSubarraysStep([name, parent, ...])

ParseSubarrayMapStep: Parse a subarray map extension, if available, and create header metadata and data quality flag accordingly.

NormalizeStep([name, parent, config_file, ...])

NormalizeStep: Normalize a frame by dividing by its own mean, median or mode

ParseSubarrayMapStep([name, parent, ...])

ParseSubarrayMapStep: Parse a subarray map extension, if available, and create header metadata and data quality flag accordingly

ProcessFlatfieldL2(*args, **kwargs)

ProcessFlatfieldL2: Remove dark and normalize exposure to create a flat field to be later added to the CRDS.

ProcessImagerL2Pipeline(*args, **kwargs)

ProcessImagerL2Pipeline: Processes JWST imaging-mode slope data from Level-2a to Level-2b.

ROPPipeline(*args, **kwargs)

Detector1Pipeline for IRIS

SubtractImagesStep([name, parent, ...])

SubtractImagesStep: Subtract two exposures from one another to accomplish background subtraction.


Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of liger_iris_pipeline.assign_wcs.assign_wcs_step.AssignWcsStep, liger_iris_pipeline.background.background_step.BackgroundStep, liger_iris_pipeline.dq_init.dq_init_step.DQInitStep, liger_iris_pipeline.dark_current.dark_current_step.DarkCurrentStep, liger_iris_pipeline.flatfield.flat_field_step.FlatFieldStep, liger_iris_pipeline.merge_subarrays.merge_subarrays.MergeSubarraysStep, liger_iris_pipeline.normalize.normalize_step.NormalizeStep, liger_iris_pipeline.parse_subarray_map.parse_subarray_map_step.ParseSubarrayMapStep, liger_iris_pipeline.pipeline.preprocess_flatfield.ProcessFlatfieldL2, liger_iris_pipeline.pipeline.image2.ProcessImagerL2Pipeline, liger_iris_pipeline.pipeline.rop.ROPPipeline, liger_iris_pipeline.background.subtract_images_step.SubtractImagesStep, liger_iris_pipeline.UnsupportedPythonError