
class liger_iris_pipeline.ProcessImagerL2Pipeline(*args, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: JwstPipeline

ProcessImagerL2Pipeline: Processes JWST imaging-mode slope data from Level-2a to Level-2b.

Included steps are: background_subtraction, assign_wcs, flat_field, photom and resample.

See Step.__init__ for the parameters.

Attributes Summary




Methods Summary


This is where real work happens.

process_exposure_product(exp_product[, ...])

Process an exposure found in the association product

Attributes Documentation

image_exptypes = ['MIR_IMAGE', 'NRC_IMAGE', 'NIS_IMAGE']
spec = '\n        save_bsub = boolean(default=False) # Save background-subracted science\n    '
step_defs: ClassVar = {'assign_wcs': <class 'jwst.assign_wcs.assign_wcs_step.AssignWcsStep'>, 'bkg_subtract': <class 'liger_iris_pipeline.background.background_step.BackgroundStep'>, 'dark_current': <class 'liger_iris_pipeline.dark_current.dark_current_step.DarkCurrentStep'>, 'flat_field': <class 'liger_iris_pipeline.flatfield.flat_field_step.FlatFieldStep'>, 'parse_subarray_map': <class 'liger_iris_pipeline.parse_subarray_map.parse_subarray_map_step.ParseSubarrayMapStep'>, 'photom': <class 'jwst.photom.photom_step.PhotomStep'>, 'resample': <class 'jwst.resample.resample_step.ResampleStep'>}

Methods Documentation

process(asn_filename: str)[source] [edit on github]

This is where real work happens. Every Step subclass has to override this method. The default behaviour is to raise a NotImplementedError exception.

process_exposure_product(exp_product, pool_name=' ', asn_file=' ')[source] [edit on github]

Process an exposure found in the association product

exp_product: dict

A Level2b association product.

pool_name: str

The pool file name. Used for recording purposes only.

asn_file: str

The name of the association file. Used for recording purposes only.